Monday, March 24, 2014

iReport Critique

     I first created an account for CNN iReport before I explored around on the website.

     I have mixed feelings about iReport because I did like how it had viewers own stories on current events, but I was a little confused with the website.  I am not the biggest tech person in the world, so I first explored around on my own but I was confused on what an assignment was versus an actual report.

     They did offer a tour for the "newbies" so I did it considering I was a little lost.  The "tour" was really a list of steps but it explained everything and was extremely helpful.
     This website offers a lot but I think it is important to know how to get an assignment, or what to post, how to join groups, meet people, and promote a story you found interesting.  All of this was explained, so after I did this I was ready to explore.

     The website started to grow on me because I realized it hosts a lot of different mediums.  There are slideshows with small captions and some that include stories.  There are hard news stories but there are also feature stories.  The variety on this website is abundant and I think thats definitely an advantage for its success.

     I also liked how its pretty international with some stories in foreign languages, so that is a great asset  because it helps people not involved in that country get an idea of what is going on.  I also like the idea of getting a video "vetted," because that means if CNN approved it which is pretty awesome to get your story out in the public.

     I do like the idea of this website, I just think it can be a little confusing at first if you do not take the "tour" to get all the details.  I like how people can submit stories and any type of media to then become "vetted" because its a good way to get credit for a well put together piece.

     I think it is a good website and I think it will succeed with the information it provides giving viewers a variety and allowing viewers to contribute.  The use of different mediums of media is really good on this as well, they have definitely taken advantage of the "new age."

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