Monday, March 10, 2014

2 Slideshows and a Photo Gallery Critiques

   Slideshow without audio:

     For the slideshow without audio, I searched around and found a quick slideshow on the technique of cake baking.  I love to bake, so I figured this could be a fun slideshow to look at it.  It was a slideshow that contained 14 actual photos and an advertisement as the end slide.  It was an interesting slideshow that gave some helpful tips.  It started out with how to heat the oven and why the temperatures are different for one another, then went into how to weight cake mix, how to put them in the oven and check when they're done!  I wished they actually finished the cake and showed how to decorate it.  They finished the slideshow by telling the reader to cool the cake.  The slideshow did start out with a finished cake, but I think it would have been more interesting to add in how to decorate a cake.  I think the decoration is way more interesting than the actual baking process!  In the end it does come down to taste, but presentation is key!
     I do think this slideshow did tell the story well of how to bake a cake.  It gave useful tips, some that I did not know before.  I did like this form of slideshow because it gave step by step instructions.  I like how it did not have sound because if I was actually using this slideshow as I baked a cake, I wouldn't want to keep rewinding if I missed something that was said in the audio instructions, that is why I prefer to have the text and photos.  Without sound I think the reader can bake the cake at their own pace, whereas with sound it could get frustrating if you do miss a step.

The link I used:

     Slideshow with audio:

      For the slideshow with audio, I decided to stay on the theme of baking.  I liked the idea to pick one main topic and then see how it differs with each type of media.  I chose an audio slideshow of a woman making pan-de-muerto. It was very interesting and something I have never made before or ever heard of.  She started off the slideshow with some information about herself and what she was going to be making.  I did like her slideshow because she spoke very clearly and everything she spoke of matched up with the photos.  I didn't like how fast it was though and I think this is the downfall of the audio slideshow.  If I am a baker trying to make the recipe as she speaks it on the audio slideshow, I think I am going to have a hard time.  I think this because if you miss something or are finishing the step that was given before therefore get lost on what you are doing/what you have done, then the whole recipe will get messed up and confusing!  With that being said, I did think she told a story about how to make the recipe.  I liked how she had captions on the pictures as well just to help the listener say they did mess a step.  She went through in a chronological order, so the audio and photos made the story move along in order.  I can't say that I liked the audio slideshow better than the slideshow without audio because they both had their positives and negatives.

The link I used: 

      Photo Gallery: 

      For the photo gallery, I decided to stay on the theme of baked goods.  I found two links because I was not sure which one would count more as a photo gallery. Both links are very similar in the way they are set up on the page.  One link is a photo gallery of how to bake a cake and it shows pictures of the ingredients needed, mixing, and the final product.  The other photo gallery I found was from an actual bakery and they had pictures of the different decorated cupcake designs they do.  I realized that by looking at both websites, telling a story through a photo gallery is very difficult.  For a photo gallery, one has to click every individual picture just to see it.  That gets hard to tell a story when sometimes the reader is not sure what order the next picture is, do you go down or across?  I also noticed that no text was involved on either website also making it hard to tell what is exactly going on.  In this case, I think adding sound to both photo galleries would just make it more confusing.  The problem here isn't sound, the problem here is that the story just can't be told through a photo gallery.  In my opinion adding sound doesn't make the story, one can rely on images to portray a story.  The order, and how specific a picture is, is what actually makes the story.  By looking at all three types of media, I would say I preferred the audio without sound to be the best one.

The links I used:

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