Monday, February 10, 2014

Podcast Critique

     For this assignment, I decided to critique the Family Adventure Podcast and Stuff You Should Know.  Both podcasts were very different from one another, but I did that on purpose just to see how different podcasts can be.  I realized that they do not need to follow any sort of structure, they can be pretty much whatever you want.  I did listen to two episodes from each podcast, and so far I have not been won over.  I am a visual person, and just listening to something without any visual I always find difficult.  I start to get bored and my mind always wonders.  I did like how both of the podcasts I chose were very updated and they produced podcasts regularly.  I tried my hardest to stay focused and this is what I found out!

     First I started to listen to the Stuff You Should Know podcast, and it was kind of interesting.  The titles on most of the episodes are funky so they draw you in that way. The titles are what really caught my interest.  I listened to two shows, one was Could you live without a refrigerator? and the other was Will computers replace doctors?, and two men were speaking (they spoke on all the episodes).  Both shows were not what I thought they would be.  I thought they would be comedic, but they were actually serious and informative talks.  The refrigerator one spoke about going green and how to do that.  It did have a lot of information and opinions, and it got a little boring.  Most of the podcasts run for more than 30 minutes, which is ok,but they seem to drag on a little.  I thought in both episodes, they started to repeat themselves a lot.  The episode about Will computers replace doctors? was a little lengthy just like the other episode.  I started to tune out because they just spoke casually.  They weren't drawing me into what they were talking about after the first 15 minutes (they started to loose me).  They would occasionally throw in some interesting/kind of funny story in the middle which did catch my attention, but then they would loose me again.  I may go back to listen to their episodes because they update them frequently, but I will probably not listen to the whole thing.  I also listened to these through iTunes on my computer.

     The second podcast show I listened to was Family Adventure Podcast.  This one was definitely more interesting than the first one I listened to.  I chose this because I love the idea of traveling and adventuring.  I love the idea of a family doing it together even more!  I would totally do something like this later on in my life.  With that being said, I listened to two episodes and they were Family on Bikes....The Fogel Family Crosses Continents!  and Drinkald Family- Sailing from Turkey to Australia! Both of these episodes were somewhat lengthy, which again lost my attention a little bit.  The style of this podcast differed from the other one.  This was more of an interview type of show, whereas the Stuff you Should Know show, was more of just two men discussing topics.  I liked the interview style more just because it gave different perspectives, and it keeps it fresh.  It introduces new topics with new stories each podcast.  I would probably come back to this podcast more than the other one, but again the length is a little long so I may not listen to the whole thing! I also listened to these episodes on iTunes on my computer.

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