Hi Readers!
My blog is definitely still in the making and I am hoping to make improvements as I go on. So far I have added some features/widgets and have made a few posts so far to hopefully start getting activity on the blog! First of all I chose the layout I did just because I thought it was visually appealing, I played with the layouts for awhile until I found a look I liked. I wanted my navigation side to be on the left side just because I thought it would be one of the first things readers would see. In this naviagtion area, readers will find a search box where they can search within my blog. They will also find a blog archive where they can go through past posts. I also included a "Share it" and the google +1 feature. I added the Share It feature in hopes that if readers see something they like, they would obviously then share it and more people would see it! I added the google +1 feature so people could follow the blog and "like it" essentially. I also put the about me on the left side so people could learn about the person behind the blog pretty easily. I added a contact form at the bottom of the page so readers could send in messages or their information if they wanted! I hope to definitely make the blog look more professional in the future. I'm planning to learn as I go and make this into something that I will benefit from! That is pretty much why I chose how I did my blog!
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